Nickelodeon's "Henry Danger: The Movie" is up, up, and away on Paramount+!
Henry Danger: The Movie is a film based on the Nickelodeon show titled, Henry Danger. The series follows then pre-teen Henry Hart who lives in the town of Swellview. He lands a part-time job with a secret identity as Kid Danger, a sidekick of Swellview's well-known superhero Captain Man. Saving lives and protecting his identity is a key part of the show.
It’s been over 4 years since the show last aired, and Henry is no longer just a sidekick, he now has his own identity as a top superhero that has become well known and famous.
After his leaving Swellview, Henry Hart is now Dystopia's local hero. Since then, fame has started to weigh heavy on him. After some unpredictable and twisted events take place, in comes a Kid Danger superfan named Missy Martian. She enters his life and shakes things up. Henry Danger: The Movie premieres January 17, 2025 on Paramount+.
Missy is eager to fight crime with Kid Danger, and she possesses a device that Henry needs. With his best friend Jasper and his new superfan sidekick in tow, things will get interesting as Henry tries to find his way out of these alternate realities. Viewers will be enthralled in this adventurous tale with Henry! Thrilling, fun, and filled with action, this TV-PG rated film is a great family feature.
The film stars Jace Norman as Henry Hart ; Ella Anderson as Piper Hart ; Lisa Chandler as Crimed Woman ; Frankie Grande as Frankini Valentine ; Michael D. Cohen as Schwoz ; Glee Dango as Missy Martin.
Race through time with Henry and the crew. Henry Danger: The Movie is streaming now on Paramount+.